Oopsie Daisy.
January 29, 2024
...since the last blog post. Four months, actually! I suppose I have to fill in on what I've been doing. Happy new year, by the way!
Shortly after the the previous post, I had actually begun working at the sanctuary where I had met those piggies at! It was very nice for a time. Unfortunately, due to circumstance and my own well-being, I had to stop working there last month. Oh well. Still, I enjoyed spending time with the pigs. They were so very lovely. Here's a pretty pig-ture as proof:

Anyways, since I lost my job, I ended up losing my apartment... Which really sucks! A lot.
BUT, we ball! Or whatever! I don't know. I'm living with family now, which isn't really ideal at all. I'm trying to enjoy what I can, though! Unemployment is pretty cool when you don't have to worry about having at least $1,400 every month. Now I only have to worry about having $300! Which is still quite a lot but like whatever.
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all came and went. I don't really celebrate any of those, so I didn't do too much special. I do like Christmas, though, because I think Santa Claus is awesome. So I did buy a snowglobe!
Since the new year, I decided I would endeavor to post more art more often! At least once a week, to be exact. I, uh, fell through this past week because I have been very busy and didn't want to rush something out, though..
Here's a couple of the things I have posted so far, though!:

If you'd like to see more stuff like this as it's posted, follow me @beavsi (link).
Along with visual arts, I did release an album last month. It had already been completed for well over a year, so some of it is not quite up to my current standards. But I still thought I should put it out there at some point. I did little to no promotion for it, so it didn't do too well! I will continue that trend by just putting a link at the end of this paragraph: https://soundcloud.com/beavsi/sets/my-album1
I don't really have much else to say other than there are a lot of things I want to do this year! And I will do them! Or, at least 90% of them! One of those things is updating this site more. Things are going okay, and that's nice. And I hope they are going okay for you. And if they aren't I hope they get better.