Been Busy!

September 7, 2024


Hello again!

I have definitely kept myself busy since the last blog post. I finished up the semester and really started to push forward in my personal/career path.

SIKE I got pulled away again

Yeah so uhm!! I've tried to write this like three times by now? Very busy, very indecisive. The last blog post was meant to just be a short and sweet one while I try to get back into it but that has evidently ended up taking quite a while.

Actually, it's been so long since I wrote that little intro up there that a new semester has started and it's already been a couple weeks of that so far.

Filling in

School's been fun, things have been stressful. I switched my program of study from carpentry to cabinetmaking. I'm not particularly fond of cabinets, but I do love other types of furniture.
Making furniture was sort of the ideal outcome in terms of where my career would go, but I did not know they had a cabinetmaking program when I first enrolled.

The work load has been quite overwhelming so far. Three of my classes are actually self-paced, but they're also meant to be taken sequentially, so I have to try to get through material as fast as I can! It's been a little stressful because I don't want to drop any classes...

In the two-week downtime between semesters, I did a little volunteering. I attended three construction days for an organization that builds homes for in-need families, and worked a couple days at one of their warehouses which builds the prefabricated frames.
Very fun! But very tiring to do when it's 105ºF outside all day. Would definitely prefer to do detail work in a wood shop than to hammer and dig holes out in the sun.

Here's a couple pictures I took during my sessions:

A photo taken of the inside an in-construction house. The walls are completely unfinished and without any drywall. Sitting on the concrete floor is a frame waiting to be lifted up and put into place.

A photo showcasing 2x6 wood boards cut at varying lengths between half a foot and two feet long. The boards are resting in different orientations on a very wide workbench countertop. Mallets, sledgehammers, and measuring tools can be seen around the work space.

Personal projects

Unfortunately, motivation is hard to come by when you're (frankly) overwhelmed. And when it does show up, it can be even harder to apply it in a way where something actually comes from it. As alluded to near the start, I've wanted to work on building this site so very much, but I have not been able to create something I'm satisfied with.

I wanted to implement some large structural changes that would be very pretty but I think that, for now, the site is going to have to stay a little barebones while I try to find the time.
What is this feature? The Gallery! (It's empty as of now so don't feel obligated to click the link.) It's basically supposed to be like the Archive but as a catalogue for my creative projects instead of blog posts. Some personal thoughts, some record of the process. I thought it could be cool.

. . .

This post is already turning out to be quite long, so I don't want to bloat it with too much of what I've been doing behind the scenes. I'll leave that to entries within the Gallery. I'll announce on X when I add an entry, as well as in that little box on the home page right below the "Beavsi Enterprises" banner which currently doesn't serve much purpose.

However, since there's nothing there at the moment, I'll give a short list of some things I've done recently which may or may not get an entry:

Sorry for the long wait, and sorry that this post is a whole lot of words and not much else! I'm not really sure what else to say other than that I am tired and I am going to sleep . . . .. .